If a diesel particulate filter (DPF) is full of soot, it can cause the temperature to increase and damage the ceramic. When high saturations are reached and the temperature rises too high, the retained material inside may expand and fracture the ceramic.
Errecom Pro-User DPF Flush Kit comes with a flush gun, interchangeable rigid probe, interchangeable flexible probe, a connection for compressed air with a 1/4” ball valve, and FKM gaskets that are resistant to even the most aggressive liquids. The Rilsan PA11 hose is also resistant to the most aggressive liquids. One 5-liter container of DPF Flush, a non-flammable liquid free of suspended metals, is specifically for the cleaning of diesel particulate filters. This chemical formulation, produced exclusively in Errecom’s laboratories, was developed using nanotechnology in a chemical process that can penetrate deep inside the honeycomb structure of the DPF, removing carbon and soot residues. Nanotechnology in chemicals is used in other formulations, such as cerium oxide nanoparticles in diesel fuel additives. One 5-liter container of DPF RINSE is a non-flammable, specific rinsing liquid to be used after the cleaning of diesel particulate filters, restoring the DPF to its original conditions. Detailed instructions are available, making the process quick and easy to use.